Friday, February 15, 2008

One week left

With one week left until my due date, things are really starting to happen. At my doctors apt. yesterday, I was three cm dilated, and the baby's head was really low. I could have told him her head was low. Here I am at 39 weeks.

I have been having stronger contractions over the past 24 hours, which hopefully means something is happening. If I have not had the baby by Monday, I will return to my doctor and have him strip my membranes (not sure what that all entails), to help things head in the right direction.

We continue to prepare Addison for the arival of his baby sister, he has two new shirts to help him out!!

1 comment:

Katie, Ryan, Sean, and Molly said...

too cute! What a good big brother you are going to be!!!! Hope to see that little girl soon!